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Quantum Healing Hypnosis

In a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) session, you will connect with your Higher Consciousness and visit past lives that impacts you in your current life. You will find answers to your questions and receive healing - often instantaneous - for a variety of complaints and ailments. You will also gain insight into your life purpose, the lessons that you've learned in the past and what you are here to learn in this life.


People schedule QHHT® sessions for many reasons including wanting to know about their life purpose, karmic connection with significant people who are important in their current life, family problems, career questions and challenges, interactions with difficult people in their lives, healing specific health situations, breaking habits, insight into spiritual concerns, questions about callings, feeling stuck in some area of their life and wanting to find a way to move forward. 

The hypnosis that you experience is a QHHT® session is a natural shift in consciousness. I will serve as your guide into the deepest levels of your awareness where you will visit an important past life. I will then conduct a conversation with your Higher Self so we can get answers to your questions and guide you into the healing process.

​The benefits of a QHHT® session are manifold, including:

  • You gain insight and clarity into your life purpose and major relationships in your life.

  • Release and removal of emotional blockages.

  • Access to the wisdom of your higher self.

  • A profound sense of peace.

  • Healing for the body and the spiritual causes of illness.

  • New perspectives on your life experiences.

  • Access to expanded consciousness.


What to Expect from QHHT®

1. The sessions can only be offered in-person as per Dolores Cannon's instructions and not remotely via phone or Zoom. This is to create a safe and supportive environment for you so you can relax completely and achieve the best results. 

2. A  QHHT® session typically last between approximately 5 to 7 hours and includes an interview, the hypnosis and healing experience, and a debriefing where we discuss your experience. The sessions are one-on-one and completely confidential. No third parties are allowed to sit in. The interview and the hypnosis must happen on the same day. Each session is unique and takes as long as it takes.

3. No other services or healing modalities are combined into the session. The QHHT® process stands alone and doesn't benefit from being tweak or watered down.

4. I charge for the session, not by the hour. In this way you won't have to worry about running up a higher charge and neither of us will feel pressured to rush and hurry. Your session will be the only appointment  that I'm scheduling in on that day. In this way I can give you my full attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

AM I going to be under hypnosis for the entire 5 to 7 hours?

No. We'll be talking about your life experience in depth to build the foundation for the Quantum Healing Hypnosis experience. 

Is it normal to feel awake and aware during the session?

Yes, it is totally normal to feel like you are watching a daydream or a movie. Clients have said to me that they usually feel as though they are in two places at once: in the session room and in a past life.

Am I going to channel a spiritual guide or a departed loved one during the session?

No. We are going to have a conversation with the part of you that has the memories and knowledge of everything that you have ever experienced in this life and in past lives. You are always connected to this wise and loving part of you. This part of you is known by many names, including Higher Self, Oversoul, High Consciousness, the Super-Conscious. Dolores Cannon called it the capital "S" Subconscious to distinguish it from the lower-case "s" subconscious talked about in psychology.

Am I going to be asleep during the hypnosis?

No. That wouldn't be helpful. Asleep is not what we're going for. You will be in a state of deep relaxation where you are also going be very focused and aware.

Can't we just skip the interview and go right into the hypnosis?

No. The interview creates the foundation for a successful session. It gives you the opportunity to talk about your life and me the opportunity to learn about your life experience. This is important so I can then ask the best questions during the hypnosis. It also helps you zero in on what you really need from the session. The interview promotes trust so we both feel comfortable with each other. This will help you relax completely and enjoy a wonderful QHHT® experience.

Book Your Session

Sessions are available Mondays through Sundays with a starting time of either 10 AM, 11 AM or 12 PM Eastern Time. Please call/text me at 240-543-9414 or email me at for more information including how QHHT can help you with your particular situation.

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